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“In The Body Tithe Devotional, Matthew Pryor weaves inspiration and information to drive anyone with a body and soul to change. Matthew’s transparency, insightful tips and godly direction inspired me to take action.”

Kyle Idleman

“For Pryor, fitness is not just a health issue, but a heart issue: Christians should be good stewards of physical health because our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)… Pryor shares about his own weight struggles as a child, but convincingly shows that fitness victory is not about a number on the scale. It’s about honoring God with our bodies..”

World Magazine

“… His deep insights and practical helps encompass the Father’s heart for his followers. You will be challenged, instructed and blessed by Matthew’s work. I wish I had The Body Tithe Devotional when I played in the NFL”

Norm Evans

“I love the concept of The Body Tithe Devotional! This 90-day journey is a life changer. Daily motivation to become who God truly called us to be–both physically and spiritually. Plan for a victory in Christ!”

Dave Stone

Body Tithe Book

Spiritual Encouragement for Your Fitness Journey

This breakthrough devotional from Matthew Pror is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day.

“Every person who uses The Body Tithe Devotional will grow and mature in their knowledge and understanding of living the Christian life. This will serve to both inspire and instruct the reader to be a happy, healthy person in Christ. I give it a ’10’ for content, Scripture application, and ease in understanding.”

Josh McDowell

“I greet each New Year resolved to get in better physical condition! Do you? Unfortunately, our resolutions don’t lead to slim, physically fit bodies because we lack a plan to keep our commitment. In The Body Tithe Devotional, Matthew Pryor shares his realistic plan to improve our spiritual and physical fitness. Buy his book. Apply it to your life. You’ll be amazed at your new walk with Christ.”

Bob Russell

“Matthew has knocked it out of the park with this devotional. He seamlessly integrates a believer’s physical, mental and spiritual aspects into the whole person–this is a true “Total Athlete” devotional! I have found significant personal enrichment and benefit. This is a must read for the believer who wants to go deeper in their spiritual life, but stay connected to the importance of their fitness journey. Thanks Matthew!”

Mark Householder

Step 1: Get Your Copy of The Body Tithe...

“Fitness is foremost a heart issue, and God cares about all matters of the heart. He cares so much, in fact, that He sent the Holy Spirit to help you live a life that brings Him glory in all things. ‘All things’ includes the fitness battle you are fighting.”

You and God – together – can have victory in your struggle with exercise, nutrition, sleep and physical fitness … spiritual fitness too.

Scripture primarily focuses on the soul, not the body. God’s wisdom, strength, and guidance, however, extend into every facet of our lives. God cares about your fitness because your body is “the temple of the Holy Spirit.”

In The Body Tithe Devotional, personal trainer and author Matthew Pryor directs you on a 90-day journey to build up your physical and spiritual strength. You will learn new habits and master new weapons to protect yourself for the rest of your life. 

Matthew Pryor applies Scripture about God’s character, His provisions, and His promises to the most common troubles faced by those in the battle for fitness.

The Body Tithe Devotional offers victory, regardless of your physical results. Each week’s unique topic leads you down new paths toward your goals. New insights into God’s Word will guide you toward fitness, a healthy lifestyle, and into a deeper, more safe relationship with your Heavenly Father.

Don’t be discouraged by past defeats.

Use Matthew Pryor’s Body Tithe Devotional in your battle plan for victory over physical and spiritual fitness!

The Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide

Your fitness struggles require more than the latest fad diet or a new exercise program. The Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide proves that the solution is spiritual. The answer is God.

The Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide develops your understanding of God’s character and how He can empower your fitness, whether in a personal study, an accountability group, or a Bible class.

Through daily journaling, heart-changing reflection, fitness tips, and scripture memorization, The Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide fully-equips you to draw into an even stronger relationship with our Heavenly Father.

  • Use with any fitness program. Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide - Christian Fitness
  • Be empowered to face fitness trials and temptations.
  • Develop a faith-driven purpose for your fitness.
  • Be strengthened with daily spiritual exercises, prayers and meditations.

Strengthen your prayer life, your walk with Christ, and your physical fitness with The Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide.

Use The Body Tithe Devotional Study Guide alongside The Body Tithe Devotional and you will discover the freedom of faith-powered fitness.

Annie Owens
Annie Owens

Amazon Customer


“Matthew is very eloquent and good about putting real life examples in this book and pulling in aspects of our fitness journey and ultimately bringing it all together with focusing on the Lord. 10/10 would recommend!!

Christine Chastine
Christine Chastine

Goodreads User


More than a fitness devotional! Great devotion that goes well beyond fitness. I was surprised by the depth of the content. It wasn’t just feel good cliches. It was full of encouragement and also challenged my thinking. I will most likely re-read this one again!”

Cindy Cobos
Cindy Cobos

Amazon Customer


“I never understood how my spiritual walk was related to my physical walk until this book was recommended to me. I love how the author uses scripture to encourage us with not only our physical journey but our thought process around that. It’s so different from any other “fitness plan” and truly helped to free me and grow my relationship with God through honoring my body.

Jeremy Mauck
Jeremy Mauck

Amazon Customer


A must have! It is truly a road map that will guide you through to understand what God says about taking care of our bodies. Whether you are new to fitness, or already have a great routine, or somewhere in between this book will help you put fitness in perspective the way God intended us to. Highly recommend!

Tami Carlsen
Tami Carlsen

Amazon Customer


Within five minutes I felt the presence of God and He started undoing things that should’ve been undone and placing things in me that should be placed in me… Very honest, based on the Bible, and the authors experience (which is like most of ours). This book is a blessing to me.


Buy the Book

You and God – together – can have victory in your struggle with exercise, nutrition, sleep and healthy living … spiritual health too.

In The Body Tithe Devotional, personal trainer and author Matthew Pryor directs you on a 90-day journey to build up your physical and spiritual strength. You will learn new habits and master new weapons to protect yourself for the rest of your life.

Body Tithe Devotional