Please excuse the mess. Site is being updated but I wanted to keep it open for everyone. Thanks!

Britni Hammond


Post By Britni

Being a Fitness Role Model for Kids

Being a Fitness Role Model for Kids

Being a fitness role model for kids seems like it would be hard. They don’t understand what’s best for them … or they don’t care. With so many sugary foods to tempt them, food can be a challenge. Add in technology to lure them to the couch, it can be a battle. However, with these 8 tips, it can be a battle you both can win!

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Employee Wellness: What Can Be Done?

Employee Wellness: What Can Be Done?

Employee wellness is becoming a topic of focus as headlines and our insurance premiums are making it painfully obvious: healthcare costs are increasing, in part to our increasing waistlines. And while employee wellness is a difficult and delicate issue to handle, it should not be ignored.

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