Registration Complete!

You’re finished… sort of.

First, make sure your coach’s email is added to your safe list. We don’t want our responses or new content announcements to end up in your junk/spam folder.

Secondly, please take a little time to read the following:

[tip] Dear Child,

I love you just as you are.

My love for you has already been established.

My love for you has already been proven.

My love for you has already been confirmed … determined… displayed.

You can’t add to it, earn more of it, or increase it.

It is independent of you.

It can’t be diminished, tarnished, or lessened.

It is independent of you.

It doesn’t rely, depend, or hinge on you.

It is independent of you.

It is unwavering, unfailing, and unending.

It is independent of you.

And because my love is perfect, I love you just as you are!

– God [/tip]

WOW! Isn’t that wonderful news?

People try to earn God’s love in all kinds of ways: volunteering more, giving more, putting up with more, accepting unnecessary guilt, working certain jobs, saying certain prayers, and the list goes on. So what does that have to do with fitness? A lot actually. You see, we have to be careful not to fall into the trap of trying to take care of our bodies SO THAT He’ll love us more, cause He won’t. He’ll love us just the same. And conversely, if we DON’T take care of our bodies, He won’t love us any less. He’ll love us just the same.

At BTU, we don’t want you to feel like you’ve let God down when you are having a hard time exercising or are struggling with obesity (nor do we want you to think you’re hot stuff when you end up looking like a fitness model). Because you haven’t! After all, there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). What we do want is to help you learn to joyfully obey his command to “…honor God with your bodies” (1 Corinthians 6:20). We want you to learn how to glorify Him out of gratitude for giving you an incredible body that can do incredible things.

And amazing things happen as we honor God with our bodies and start getting healthier and healthier… we start to feel better! We get more energy. We sleep better. Our clothes fit better. We are less prone to injury and disease. And our attitude improves. Imagine, the byproduct of obedience is a benefit to us! What a masterful design God has for our lives.

So go back and re-read the above. Or better yet, click here for a printer friendly copy and tape it to your fridge or mirror or computer, somewhere you can read it often. The sooner you can own the truth of the statement, the sooner you can enjoy the process and freedom of getting fit!

Matthew Pryor
Founder of BTU

PS – Thanks again for registering with BTU and completing the steps. We will get back to you shortly.

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