This past week, I went to see the movie Act of Valor with my father. The story is about a Navy SEAL team doing an extraction of a kidnapped CIA agent, and then following the intelligence the mission uncovers. This movie is based on real life events and the roles of the SEALs are played by actual Navy SEALs.
What does this have to do with fitness? Quite a bit actually. First of all, they discipline their bodies on so many levels to be able to achieve the level of fitness they have. It is quite remarkable. I have been working with a friend who was in the Navy. As it turns out, quite a bit of the moves we are doing in P90X2, he has seen Navy SEALs doing in the gyms. I love that I am working out in the same way was as some of the most elite athletes in the world. It’s that kind of discipline that will get me results.
Secondly, the amount of sacrifice required by the SEALs (and any armed serviceman for that matter) is admirable. They give up time, distance from loved ones, sometimes their lives, to keep this country free. Similarly, to get fit and stay fit requires sacrifice of time, sometimes time with the family, in order to ultimately experience the kind of freedom that healthy bodies can have: freedom to enjoy exercise, freedom from injuries, freedom from being ashamed of your body, freedom to wear clothes you like, and freedom to enjoy the kind of active lives our bodies were created to experience.
Lastly, the logistics in place for them to achieve their mission was incredible. Everything was thought out, contingency plans in place, and a proper response ready for nearly every scenario. The same goes with getting fit. You must think things through. You must have a plan and be ready for the unknown (like all the special occasions that pop up). And you must keep the end goal in mind… and quitting is not an option.
I’d encourage everyone to see this movie, regardless of what side you are on the political aisle, and regardless of where you are in your physical journey. Not only is the movie a testament to the abilities and determination of our armed services, but it’s an eye-opening look into how such operations are carried out. And most importantly, it’s a recognition of the incredible sacrifices that are made to secure our freedoms. It’s not the easiest movie I’ve watched in a while, but it’s certainly the most important.