Christian Fitness - Ignoring Your Fitness

Ignoring Your Fitness Is Selfish

Ignoring your fitness is selfish.

There… I said it.

I know it’s not easy to hear. I know I just lost some friends on social media. I know it doesn’t seem compassionate.

I also know it’s the truth.

Before I tell you why ignoring your fitness is selfish, let me throw out a few caveats.

For starters, being fitness-model fit is NOT the litmus test for whether you’re being a good steward of your body.

Secondly, being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Conversely, carrying a few extra pounds doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhealthy.

Finally, being fitness-minded doesn’t mean you’re a fitness fanatic who never enjoys food that’s found on the “naughty list” or that you can’t enjoy a few days off from your workouts.

I say all this because there’s a big difference between ignoring your fitness and struggling with your fitnessIf you’re struggling with your fitness, fitness is at least on your radar. You’re a work in progress. Welcome to the club.

But if you’re doing nothing about your fitness, it’s time for a wakeup call.


Ignoring Your Fitness Is Selfish to Your Family

Whether you are a husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle, whatever…. you have family and they likely depend on you, love you, count on your friendship, and care about your well-being.

By ignoring your fitness, you are subtly telling them that they are less important than your own personal desires to satisfy yourself.


Ignoring Your Fitness Is Selfish to Your Friends

I love my friends and am so grateful that they love me in spite of my many flaws. There’s not much I wouldn’t do for them. And I want them to know that I am dependable and will be there in their moments of need.

However, if I’m not taking care of myself, my ability to serve them and be the kind of friend that they deserve, the kind of friend I want, that ability to serve is greatly compromised.

It’s not that I need to be their running partner for the first marathon. But if I can’t help watch their kids in case of an emergency, cover as soccer coach, or help move a piece of furniture because I’m always too tired, sick, and out of shape, I’ve got to reexamine my priorities.


Ignoring Your Fitness Is Selfish to Your Employer, Employees, and/or Customers

If you’re the boss, your employees are counting on you to lead them and to set the example.

If you’re an employee, your colleagues are depending on you to perform certain duties.

As part of a company, regardless of your position, you have customers that are expecting you to deliver some kinds of goods or services.

If you can’t perform your work duties because you’re always battling a preventable sickness or injury that stems for poor fitness habits, it increases the workload of those around you. It sets a precedent and expectation to those under you. And it compromises the customer’s experience with your company.


Ignoring Your Fitness Is Selfish to Yourself

How can somebody be selfish to themselves? By satisfying desires of only part of you at the expense of the whole.

If gratifying your taste buds is your top priority, the rest of your amazing, one of a kind body, suffers.

If a sedentary life is what you live for, you’re robbing your body of the fun and freedom of enjoying an active lifestyle. You’re going to limit your life experiences because your body isn’t equipped to go out into the big wide world and truly live.

Ignoring Your Fitness: The Good News

It’s never too late to start.

I recently posted this quote Instagram:

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ― C.S. Lewis

If you have been ignoring your fitness, all that can change starting today, by taking a few of these baby steps:

  • Start going on walks.
  • Limit your eating out to once a week.
  • Start drinking water instead of soda.

Work on one of these for a few weeks, then add another one.

Work on that for a few weeks, then add another.

Our bodies are infinitely complex and amazingly adaptable. Adding small changes over time can make huge differences in far less time than you might think.

What are you waiting for?

We believe in you.

We want you to succeed.

We are in your corner and want to help.

The time has come. The moment is now. The question is: will you take the first step?