Please excuse the mess. Site is being updated but I wanted to keep it open for everyone. Thanks!


Do You Have “Rooftop” Friends?

It should be no secret that having accountability can make a huge difference with your health and fitness. In fact, there are studies that prove it: • Healthy partners influence their partner to be healthier. • Those who share progress on social media lose more...

The Nutrition Tithe

For you church-goers out there, you know that basket they pass around during service? Some call it offering. Others call it giving or donations. Still others refer to it as a tithe. It's when you give some money to the church to help the church fulfill it's mission....

Your Kids And Your Fitness

I couldn't believe it. There's no way it could be right. So I double-checked the math. 9 + 2  + 11 + 3 ... plus ... carry the ... divide by 4.2 ... equals... 15. FIFTEEN! I was right the first time... but I wished I wasn't. We had completed a little sugar experiment...

Ignoring Your Fitness Is Selfish

Ignoring your fitness is selfish. There… I said it. I know it’s not easy to hear. I know I just lost some friends on social media. I know it doesn’t seem compassionate. I also know it’s the truth. Before I tell you why ignoring your fitness is selfish, let me throw...

Fitness Journey Phase 1: The Fire Phase

A few weeks back, I mentioned that there are six phases to a fitness journey. Taking some of the content from my book The Body Tithe Devotional, I gave an overview of each of the six phases. Today, I want to go a little more in depth on Phase 1: The Fire Phase. Here's...

Is Your Sleep Making You Fat?

When trying to lose fat, people rarely think about their sleep. They think about needing to exercise more or eat healthier.  These are both good things, but they're not the complete picture. Since the beginning, I've been trying to teach people this equation: EXERCISE...

The 6 Phases of a Fitness Journey

NOTE: This post was adapted from the "Introduction" of the book The Body Tithe Devotional: Spiritual Encouragement for Your Fitness Journey. Whenever somebody starts a new fitness regimen, be it a running program, rehab, home fitness workouts, you name it, they are...

Facing Fitness Struggles

Sometimes life gets busy and we just stop making time for the goals we have set. Our nutrition goes out the window along with our workout plans. Before long you have lost sight of your goal or you realize that you haven’t done anything to work toward your goal. How do...

Setting Fitness Goals – Part II

You will recall from “Setting Fitness Goals Part I”, that I was in quite the dilemma with my exercise lifestyle. Things felt like they were going well, and then they suddenly seemed to be going poorly. Truth be told, I had no tangible way to prove either outcome. It...

Setting Fitness Goals – Part 1

Without ever setting fitness goals, I had been working out for over a year and thought it was going well. I felt like I was getting stronger. I didn’t seem quite as winded at the end of Insanity’s Full Cardio workouts. Playing sports with friends was going a bit...

Effective tools and spiritual insights for your fitness journey.

  • Take the guesswork out of fitness. Simplify the world of heath by learning what is most important.
  • Get the tools and strategies you need to take action. Instructions and clarity you can quickly apply to your personal journey, written from a grace-filled perspective.
  • A Holy-Spirit focused approach that works for any body. Practical steps you can take and principles you can apply that will minster to you: heart, mind, soul and strength.