by Body Tithe University | Jan 25, 2016 | Blog, Exercise Science, Fitness Academy
If you read “Benefits of Strength Training for Endurance Athletes Part I,” welcome back. If not, do it. Right now. Seriously. I’m not going anywhere. Okay, now that you’re caught up on why strength training for endurance athletes is so important, here are some...
by Body Tithe University | Jan 21, 2016 | Blog, Exercise Science, Fitness Academy
Do you run? Bike? Swim? On your own? In races? Both? If you answered YES to ANY of these questions congratulations, YOU are an endurance athlete! One more question for you: Are you strength training? If you said “no,” I have to ask, “Why not?” If you said “yes,” how...
by Matthew Pryor | Sep 3, 2013 | Blog, Exercise Science, Fitness Academy
More muscle, less fat… I have the following conversation with people quite frequently: Me: Tell me about your progress. Them: I’ve lost 15 pounds! Me: You have. That’s awesome! 15 pounds of what? Them: (silence) … 15 pounds of… uhm,...