Health Benefits of Ginger - Christian Fitness

Food is Medicine: Health Benefits of Ginger

In this “Food is Medicine” profile, we are going to take a look at some of the health benefits of ginger. While some of the health benefits of ginger have been known for a long time, recently we’re discovering new and exciting ways ginger is healing our bodies and keeping them healthy.

Christian Fitness - Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome. Hype with Merit?

It seems to me that metabolic syndrome is the newest, “hottest”, diagnosis. But does metabolic syndrome deserve the attention it’s getting? I went on a mission to see if metabolic syndrome is just hype or if it’s a real public wellness issue.

Healthiest Superfoods - Spinach - Christian Fitness

Superfood Spotlight: Spinach

In this Superfood Spotlight, we are taking a look at (drum roll) SPINACH! This one is just a given. How can a dietitian have a list of super foods without spinach, right? Read on to learn more about it’s versatility and nutrient density. HINT: If you prepare it right, your kids won’t even know it’s there.

Christian Fitness - Prevent Diabetes

Prevent Diabetes in 5 Steps

The idea that one can prevent diabetes, the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S., seems foreign to some people. But as a clinical dietician I can say with certainty that it’s true. And here are the 5 best ways to prevent diabetes from taking hold in your life or the life of a loved one.

Christian Fitness - Healthy Weight

Healthy weight… what should it be for me?

What people ask, “How much should I weigh?” what they really need to know is their “healthy weight” range. But there’s more to being healthy than merely your weight. Let’s take a look at 3 popular metrics to help determine if your healthy weight range is really indeed healthy: BMI, waist circumference, and body fat percentage.